Intellectual Freedom

Intellectual freedom is the right to read, view, hear, express and discuss any idea on any subject. Intellectual freedom is a key part of democracy.

The library has a mandate to provide materials that reflect the needs and interests of everyone in the community. We try to include materials that represent the broadest possible range of ideas and points of view. The fact that a particular item is on the shelf does not mean that the library endorses it. What the library does endorse is free access to that item.

TNRL supports the Canadian Federation of Library Associations Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.

For more information see the TNRD Board Policy – Intellectual Freedom.

Intellectual freedom and children

Children have the right to choose material that interests them. Parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to supervise their children’s access to library resources.

Expressing concern about library materials

Intellectual freedom includes your right to express your concern about what is in your library or about what is not included. Ask library staff about the procedure to communicate your concerns or to make a request for purchase.

More Information on Intellectual Freedom

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