#Staffpick: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
325 pages
Riverhead Books
Psychological Thriller Novel
available in Book, Large Print, ebook, Audiobook and DVD formats

The Girl on the Train is a slow-medium paced psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat right up until the last page! The book shares the point of view from three women each struggling with their own separate lives in London. While following the main character, Rachel, we learn she has become seriously invested in the relationship of a couple, Jason and Jess, whom she sees daily from the train window. When she observes something out of the ordinary one morning Rachel isn’t sure what to do with the information. She then finds out that Jess has gone missing and realizes the information she holds may help the police locate her.

Touching on topics such as alcoholism, infidelity, and abuse, we learn how intertwined the lives of these three women really are and that not everything is always as “perfect” as it seems. Paula Hawkins delivers an incredible story that shows the limits of human knowledge and the degree to which memory and imagination can be easily confused. A link to the movie trailer based on this novel can be found here.

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