#StaffPick: Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice

Moon of the Crusted Snow, by Waubgeshig Rice
ECW Press, 2019
224 pages
ISBN: 9781770414006
Adults, Young Adults, Dystopian, Thriller
Evergreen Award winner, 2019
eBook, print, and book club sets available


Moon of the Crusted Snow is set in an off the grid northern Anishinaabe community in a post-apocalyptic world. As the band leaders struggle to make decisions that will help the community survive, the sudden appearance of a stranger heightens fear and panic as the people are faced with snow storms, power outages, lack of food and no connectivity to the outside world. 

Although the story is fiction, elements of it ring true more than ever for us now: On April 2, 2020, a couple from Quebec hopped into their car and drove to Old Crow, Yukon in the hopes of avoiding COVID -19. Rice, the author of Moon of the Crusted Snow, claims he “wrote that plot point…just as a what-if, not a how-to guide.” https://bit.ly/2Abr62T

This fast paced, sometimes chilling, read will surely hold your attention, especially if you enjoyed Empire of Wild by Cherie Dimaline or Margaret Atwood’s Year of the Flood. True Canadian fiction at its finest.

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