Summer Challenges for Kids!

You can take part in the challenges without signing up for a summer reading club, but we really encourage you to do both! You can sign up for all our Summer Reading Clubs at

Journey Through Space

Children ages 6-12 can take a journey through space with our weekly challenges! Every challenge you finish is one entry into the prize draw for the Journey Through Space prize draw.

How far will you make it?

There are multiple ways that you can complete each challenge. Pick the one that works the best for you! Submit your completed challenges to us through our form at Challenges can be submitted as either pictures or written answers.

*If you don’t have access to the internet, at the end of the summer call your local TNR Library and book an appointment where you can show them all your completed challenges. They will submit your entries for you!

Read to Me READO

For caregivers with children ages 0-5, we challenge you to read your way through the summer and mix in some of these activities that support early literacy development!

Cross off each activity that you complete. Each completed READO gives you 1 entry into the grand prize draw. You get 1 bonus entry if you get blackout bingo for a possible total of 5 entries.

Take a picture of your card at the end of the summer and submit it to us through our form at Cards must be submitted by September 12th.

*If you don’t have access to the internet call your local TNR Library for other submission options.

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