Literacy at Home: Name Tracing

This activity allows the child to learn what the word says, see how it looks, and work on their recognition of letters, all while having fun! It’s also a great example of how to practice writing with children before they’re ready to start holding that pencil themselves.

Step 1: Write the child’s name in large, clear writing on a piece of paper. Only capitalize the first letter of their name.

Step 2: Let your child’s imagination loose to trace the letters using whatever they want! Stickers, paint, toy cards, Cheerios, the options are endless. Depending on their fine motor skills, they can do this activity with larger or smaller objects. They can also do this activity multiple times with different things. Children will love finding different materials they can use to cover their name while ensuring the letters still look as they should!

Bonus Activity: On another piece of paper, retrace the name and go over it with glitter glue (or regular glue) which will add dimension to the letters so that the child can practice going over the letters with their fingers. This allows them to feel the letters and the shape of them.

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